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Turner Contemporary ARTGATE

Join our 80 Young Art Leaders on Saturday 8 July 2017 as they reveal their art installations for the first time!

There are four artworks on four separate plots around Margate, by four sets of Young Art Leaders from four primary schools! Choose one to visit - or check out the walking trail and drop into more than one!

At each site you'll discover singing, music and art and craft workshops.

Outside Margate Job Centre, we have... The Bloop!
11 - 11.30am, Holy Trinity & St Johns school choir will be singing
11am - 3pm, Mask making creative activity (Just drop in!)
11am - 3pm, See The Bloop!
12 noon, 1pm and 2pm, The Rock Choir will be singing
11 - 3pm, Craft sessions by Workers Educational Association (Just drop in!)
Address: Mill Lane, Margate

On Palm Bay Green, overlooking the sea, we have... Awepiculous 2017!
11 - 11.30am, Palm Bay school choir will be singing
11am - 3pm, Gem window making activity (Just drop in!)
11am - 3pm, See Awepiculous 2017!
12 noon, 1pm and 2pm, Cliftonville Community Choir will be singing
11am - 3pm, Photography workshops by Workers Educational Association (Just drop in!)
Address: Palm Bay Avenue

In Tivoli Woods, we have... The Walking Rollercoaster!
11 - 11.30am, Salmestone school choir will be singing
11am - 3pm, Bird making activity (Just drop in!)
11am - 3pm, Enjoy The Walking Rollercoaster!
12 noon, 1pm and 2pm, Thanet Sound Cloud will be performing
11am - 3pm, Film making workshops by Workers Educational Association (Just drop in!)
11am - 3pm, Bug box making activity by Broadstairs SHED (Just drop in!)
11am - 3pm, Wooden spoon and bowl making demonstrations
Address: Hartsdown Road, the entrance is opposite the Margate Tennis Club

At Windmill Community Gardens, we have... The TimeZone Tent!
11 - 11.30am, Hartsdown school choir
11am - 3pm, Marbling workshops (Just drop in!)
11am - 3pm, Explore The TimeZone Tent!
11am - 3pm, Singing workshops by Workers Educational Association
11am - 3pm, Clock making workshops by Ramsgate Festival (Just drop in!)
11am - 3pm, Seed planting and tours of the gardens by Windmill Allotments
Address: Dane Valley Road, look for the marquee outside the entrance to The Windmill Allotments

At 3pm, Pied Piper drummers and flutists will round up the crowd at each location and lead everyone in a carnival procession, artworks in hand, to Turner Contemporary for the final celebrations.

At 3.45, at Turner Contemporary, The Big Sing will be singing, and there will be refreshments and biscuits for all!

Everything will finish by 4.30pm

The artworks are the result of an exciting 18 month school and gallery project called Art Inspiring Change where primary school aged children have been encouraged to find their voices, take the lead and show us how they think Margate should be regenerated.

Don’t miss this extraordinary community experience, show your support for the Young Art Leaders from Margate and be inspired.


Mrs G Comber

Art Teacher
