Drapers Mills Primary Academy
St Peter's Footpath,
Tel: 01843 223989
Email: office@dmpa-tkat.org
Office hours: Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:30pm
Name for Enquiries: Mrs C Kennett
Our staff can provide you with paper copies of any of the information on our website, please just ask.
Headteacher: Mrs K Davis
SENCO: Miss R West
Chair of Governors
Mr Roger Silk
c/o Drapers Mills Primary Academy
St Peter's Footpath
Freedom of Information
One of the aims of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 is that public authorities, including all maintained schools, should be clear and proactive about the information they will make public.
Our publication scheme conforms to the model scheme for schools approved by the Information Commissioner and is a means of showing how the school is pursuing its vision, aims and objectives. Some information we hold may not be made public, for example: personal information. All information in our publication scheme is available upon request.
Freedom of Information requests can be made directly to TKAT via FOI@tkat.org
Alternatively contact the school on office@dmpa-tkat.org
For more information from our trust on GDPR, please visit TKAT's website
Our Data Protection Officer is Mr D. More