ACE Tutors work with students by providing A Champion for Every Child.
ACE Tutors may be teachers, teaching assistants, pastoral or support staff who have a passion for giving extra support to students.
The role of the ACE Tutor is to be the advocate for students and celebrate their achievements with them as well as being a listening ear to support them with any struggles they may have.
They will also liaise between teachers and parents/ carers to ensure that as a team all those that play a part in supporting the student can share their successes and support with anything they are finding challenging.
ACE Tutors help their students by initially getting to know their students- this aids the tutors in learning about how they feel about school, their hobbies and interests and their future aspirations.
Once relationships are established, each student meets with their ACE tutor, where discussions may be centred around:
Attitude to learning
Skills and hobbies
Subjects which a student requests support with
From these discussions, barriers are identified, incremental targets will be agreed by the student in order to give the student a focus to build on their successes. Progress against these targets is reviewed regularly, with the view to meet these targets by the end of the term.
Since the ACE Project launch, we have had an overwhelmingly positive response from our teachers, students and Ambition Tutors.
Here are just a few quotes from some of staff and students that reflect our successes so far:
“It is lovely having an ACE tutor because I like coming out of class and having someone to talk to about my feelings”
“I feel good about having an ACE tutor because it’s definitely helped me a lot and I get less stressed.”
“ACE gives me a chance to get to know children outside of my class, or to check in with children I have previously taught. This allows the relationship between me and the pupils to continue so they know they can go to you if they have any worries”
“I enjoy being an ACE tutor because I am passionate about supporting children and it is lovely to have the time to focus in on an area a child has identified as wanting to develop”
“I am finding the children so happy to come out for their ACE time, they are chatty and smiley. I think it gives them some space and time to consider their goals and aspirations”