We value the power of learning maths through mastering number fluency and providing children with skills to become confident at problem solving and reasoning while exploring links to the world around us. We use the Maths Mastery programme of study that focuses on language and communication that in turn proliferates across all subjects. It develops inquisitiveness and confidence to question and make connections between concepts.
The Maths Mastery programme outlines the coverage of all mathematical strands which enables pupils to have a deeper understanding of mathematics across the units and across the school. Each lesson is broken down into six key elements to allow pupils to gain a richer understanding of that concept: Do now, New learning, Talk task/Let’s Explore, Deeper understanding, Independent task and a Plenary. Pupils are able to develop their communication skills and conceptual understanding through the use of the talk task and a concrete, pictorial, abstract approach in every lesson.
They will also participate in maths meetings at least four times a week. These are used to secure and consolidate skills already learnt and embed new skills. We aim for these to be fun and engaging sessions full of songs, rhymes and problems for the children to solve.