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School Reopening Update

Dear Parents / Carers


As I recently informed you, the Prime Minister announced that he intended for our school to reopen to Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 students after the 1st of June.  When you heard that announcement, I am sure like us, your feelings were mixed.  On the one hand pleased that we might be returning to normal, on the other anxious about whether your children would be safe and whether they might spread the infection.  These fears have been highlighted in the press.  We have taken the decision to delay sending out to parents and carers any detailed advice about when and how our school will reopen.


1st of June was given as the earliest date that schools will reopen,  we will only reopen when we believe it is safe and we have had time to make the necessary preparations to the site and with our staff.  I will give you at least one week's notice.  


We are working on our plans for when school eventually reopens.   There are many factors that we need to take into account; including how children arrive and leave school safely; what we need to do to ensure social distancing in school and any additional cleaning measures needed.  Again I  will let you know exactly what we are doing to make our school as safe as possible, at least one week before any pupils return.  


I fully appreciate that you will be anxious about what is going to happen when our school reopens and you would like to know as soon as possible.  We will only contact you when we are sure that the information we give ensures your child safety and based on the latest advice.


As a school, we have had to reevaluate what the future may look like and plan for the long-lasting impact of COVID-19. This will mean making adjustments to our curriculum and workforce to ensure we can continue to offer high-quality provision for our school community. I will share these with you as we prepare for school to reopen for all our children whenever that may be.


Thank you for taking the time to read through this letter. We know there will be many questions you would like to ask us and we will do our best to answer where we can, but please understand that this is a new and unique time for all of us and we would ask for your patience and understanding as we prepare for when our school eventually reopens.


Yours sincerely.


Joe Manclark

