We have introduced RED TED into Key Stage 1 ( Year 1 and 2). RED TED stands for Read Every Day, Talk Every Day and is designed to encourage our children to be reading every day at home and talking about books so that they will really begin to understand the true joy of reading.
The children were introduced to RED TED in assembly today ( Attendance Ted brought RED TED in as he was a bit shy!) and they were told just how much he loves listening to stories. The children were also told what his favourite story is. Ask your child and see if they can remember. ( I will give you a clue...... the creature has terrible teeth in his terrible jaws!)
It is important that when you have listened to your child read and had a talk about the story, that you sign their reading record book as the class teacher will be counting. Every time your child has read 10 times at home, they will get a sticker on a book mark, and after 5 stickers ( 50 reads) they will get to take home RED TED.