Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope this finds you and your family safe and well in these most difficult of times. As I am sure you are aware the Prime Minister has introduced a new national lockdown. This means our school will remain closed to all pupils except the vulnerable and the children of key workers. This will be reviewed by the Government for the February half term.
We will continue to provide remote teaching and learning for all of our pupils who are not in school and there is an expectation that parents will support their children to engage with this by ensuring they participate on a daily basis. Children have been provided with log in information for their Google Classroom which will have a daily timetable of lessons being taught. If you do not have access to Google Classroom please contact the school immediately. Children in years 2-6 can also access Times Table Rockstars and the Accelerated Reader quizzes, passwords for which the children have been provided with.
Children in Reception have been set work using the Marvelous Me app. Please contact the school if you are not able to access this.
It is extremely important that your child engages with remote learning to ensure they do not fall behind and have the opportunity to keep in touch with their teachers and peers.
I have already shared the eligibility criteria for Key Workers and Vulnerable children, but these can also be found HERE. If your child is in the vulnerable pupil or Keyworker priority group and you wish them to attend school you should inform us straight away. Please note that the need for social distancing, smaller group sizes and other COVID 19 mitigations means that places are restricted. If we have more pupils wanting places than we can safely accommodate then the Kemnal Academies Trust has advised us that we should prioritise and/or rota places. If we need to do this we will let you know. Those pupils attending school will be supervised to broadly follow the same curriculum as those pupils who are being taught remotely.
For those pupils entitled to free school meals, we will be sending out arrangements shortly.
I absolutely share your disappointment that we have not been able to return our school to its
normal happy thriving place for all pupils and understand the challenges that families will face during this second lockdown. Rest assured we will do all we can to provide a meaningful and supportive experience for your child through this lockdown and look forward to returning to normal as soon as we can.
If we can support you in any way, please feel free to contact us.
Kind regards.
Mr J Manclark