We are delighted to announce that Drapers Mills Primary Academy has successfully met the criteria for the Foundation level of the British Council International School Award.
"Drapers Mills Primary Academy. International School Award Foundation Level Certificate: APPROVED."
Your Foundation Level Certificate provides a very good start to your International School Award journey. Your school has a clear motivation and commitment to celebrate the cultural and linguistic diversity in your school and local area via curriculum-based international activities. Your submitted activity is an excellent example of a collaborative curriculum-based international activity, enabling your pupils to learn first-hand about Spain and Spanish culture in a meaningful and motivating context. You are now in a good position to progress to Intermediate Level, which requires details of three curriculum-based international activities in which pupils are learning about other countries and aspects of their cultures and languages. One of the activities must be carried out in collaboration with a partner school in another country, enabling pupils in the two schools to communication, exchange information and discuss/reflect on the outcomes.
Good luck with your continuing international journey !
A massive well done to Mrs Baker and her team for such an amazing feat.