COVID-19 UPDATE: Because of an increase in the number of positive cases reported in both our local and school community, there are a couple of contingency measures that the school are putting into place immediately to reduce the risk of transmission: -
* Staff will return to wearing face-masks in public areas, including at the start and end of each day when meeting with parents.
* Parents will be asked to wear face-masks if they enter the school building - including the Reception area.
Staff will continue to ensure that across the school there are high levels of good hand hygiene, with children, staff and any visitors washing and/or using alcohol gel when the enter or leave the school building. They will also ensure that any working areas are well ventilated at all times.
Parents are asked to ensure that if children show any symptoms of Covid-19 they do not come to school and arrange to be tested.
We thank you for your ongoing support and will keep you updated of any further updates.
Mr Manclark