Dear Parent / Carer,
Firstly, I want to thank you for your contribution to the national response to the Coronavirus pandemic. For the majority of you, being at home with your child(ren) and supporting their continued learning, alongside your own work and wellbeing, is a significant challenge in what are both unprecedented and worrying times. However, we do know that this action is helping to reduce the spread of the virus and helping to save lives.
You will be aware that last week the government confirmed that the lock down will continue for at least another three weeks. However, alongside this news is constant speculation about when and how schools across the country will be reopened. We have no information about what plans the government are considering once the lockdown is eased or when that might be.
Re-opening our school will be complex, even if that is partial re-opening. For our school to re-open, clear guidance on social distancing will be required as well as ensuring that the majority of staff can return; we are aware that for some their personal circumstance means that they are required to ‘shield’ or live with family members who are shielding, which may mean that they need to socially isolate themselves and not return to work.
To support all parents at this difficult time, yesterday the government launched a series of measures for families to assist with remote education, wellbeing and general support. The guidance can be found here alongside a whole list of on-line resources for you to use. If your child(ren) has SEND need, support can also be found in these resources.
Supporting your childrens education during coronavirus-covid-19
What parents and carers need to know about schools and education during the coronavirus outbreak
Coronavirus Covid 19 online education resources
In addition, from today, the BBC are launching bitesize daily lessons, details of which can be found here -
As you will be aware, we are also providing home learning resources.
We are grateful for any support, both in terms of academic learning and physical and emotional wellbeing you can provide, but please do not worry about your ability to replace your child(ren)’s normal education during this time. When schools do re-open, they and the Kemnal Academies Trust will work as hard and as quickly as possible to bridge any gaps in your child(ren)’s learning.
If you have any queries or concerns please feel free to contact the school.
On behalf of our school and the Trust I would like to thank you for your continued support during this difficult time.
Best wishes.
Mr J Manclark