Dear Parents / Carers
I am writing to share information regarding our approach to COVID-19 testing.
You will be aware that Primary schools have been asked by Central Government to roll out a programme of home testing for staff. In order to enhance our protective measures, we are introducing the regular home testing of our staff who are currently working in school. This means that our staff who have no symptoms, can self-test for COVID19 twice weekly if they wish, using lateral flow tests. Any staff member who tests positive is required to stay at home and self-isolate to reduce the risk of them unknowingly passing the virus on to other staff and children at school.
COVID19 infection rates remain high across the country at the moment, and the safest way to reduce transmission of the virus is for close contacts, both staff and children, of positive cases to self-isolate. This is in-line with the guidance for all other sectors of the community and NHS Test and Trace guidelines. We acknowledge that this could disrupt your child’s onsite education. However, we are providing remote education to all students who are at home at this present time and all students self-isolating will be able to access our remote education offer. The period of self-isolation is ten days.
We want to provide reassurance that the rollout of regular testing for asymptomatic staff who have not been identified as a close contact, is a positive addition to the protective measure that we have implemented. We have confidence that this regular testing will help to identify those who have the virus unknowingly and reduce the risk of the virus spreading within our school community.
Children and staff must continue to adhere to the national guidance and strict protective measures which have been implemented in our school. This includes social distancing, face coverings where appropriate and regular hand washing. Lateral flow tests are an additional protective measure, not a replacement. This increase in testing, along with the protective measures already implemented will ensure that our school remains a safe place to learn and work.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Yours sincerely
Mr J Manclark